Category Archives: anticlimactic

watch this space (Noirvember and more)

Hi! It’s been quite a while, has it not. Stay tuned – I’ve got movies to talk about here, both in October for the October Horror Movie Challenge (which I plan to fail), and in November for Noirvember, and a look at the films screened during Noir City Detroit 2022.

Continue reading watch this space (Noirvember and more)

happy “new” year

When we wish a happy New Year, or say things like “good bye [YEAR OF HORROR*],” it’s not that we don’t know that time is an arbitrary measurement, or that one year flows into the next without revelation, or that one day flows into tomorrow, like the following hour, the following minute, the second after you read this sentence. We implicitly understand that as soon as 2020 ends in our respective time zones everything will not magically change other than the little number at the end of the year.

Continue reading happy “new” year

happy anniversary, my blog! (contains non-recommendations)

Hello, my friends! I think you’re my friends. Anyhow, this here blog finally turned three years old recently, which means I can probably start taking off the potty training wheels any time now. I’m going to use this momentous occasion to un-recommend some movies for you! Continue reading happy anniversary, my blog! (contains non-recommendations)

2014 in First Time Views: The Top 25

What a year! There’s been good and bad, like so many other years before, as we plow along in this life. It’s been a big year of first time views for me, from new additions in a growing collection of Criterion and Alamo Drafthouse editions to a celebration of John Ford’s career. I’ve winnowed down 116 FTVs to a list of 25 of the best new-to-me films watched in 2014, and here they are, in alphabetical order! Continue reading 2014 in First Time Views: The Top 25

the perils of the revival

Recently, a group of my friends and I visited a nearby revival house to watch a screening of The Princess Bride (1987). I seriously misunderestimated the enduring popularity of this film, because when we arrived at the theater, there was a line to the box office that ended somewhere around the back of the building. It was impressive. I do not know why I assumed it would be like any other time I’ve visited there — The Princess Bride is a HUGE cult classic, quoted to this day and so ubiquitous in our pop culture that it’s popularity never fully registered with me. It’s always been one of those movies that just was. Continue reading the perils of the revival

Godzillas and Monsters

Welcome to the Year of Godzilla, in this, the Second Year of Luigi. It is the 60th anniversary of Godzilla’s first screen appearance, a 1954 eponymous debut which was later recut for US audiences and given the eye-catching title Godzilla: King of the Monsters!, exclamation point and all. And now, there’s a new entry in a long-running collection of films about and featuring the giant atomic lizard, another Hollywood-produced bit of early summer blockbustery. Sixty years is a long run, nearly as long as Christopher Lee’s career at this point, with as many ups and downs. Continue reading Godzillas and Monsters