Category Archives: crazy old people

places where we didn’t eat

This weekend, my parents and I are in Cincinnati to go see the baseball. Along the way, we stopped to get something quick to eat because a) I hadn’t eaten much, and 2) I get fucking cranky when I don’t eat, so see a. We ended up at the first place we saw, which was Taco Bell, which was fine by me, because it gave me another chance to see if they finally used my tweet in their Doritos Locos Tacos packaging.

Skunked again. Continue reading places where we didn’t eat

facts about: micky dolenz

[part one in maybe an ongoing series of facts about people or things, or maybe just a one part series, or who knows]

If you know me at all, you know that I am a Smart Person Who Knows Things About History and People. There are scant few of us SPWKTAHPs out there; in fact, I really only know one: Simian Idiot, a.k.a. Rev. Back It On Up 13, a.k.a. The Big Boss of This Area, a.k.a. Diana. We used to lay down all kinds of True Facts and Historical Knowledge all the time on a newsgroup called [REDACTED], but it’s been a while since we schooled people with Truth. Continue reading facts about: micky dolenz

this cake…oh, my god…

Okay, I like cake. I don’t like it as much as pie, or pah, as those in the know call it. Pah is like a delicious sammich, open-faced (or not!), cut into triangles, like all good sammiches are. Pah > cake. This is fact.

But my mom is really good at things, like blaming Spock for stealing her technology that doesn’t exist yet, and knitting scarves. She is also good at making cake. That woman can bake. Bake cake. And pah! Delicious pah! But also cake. Continue reading this cake…oh, my god…

dinnertime storytime

Tonight, dad told a really amazing story about how he and my mom were coming home from the county fair years and years ago, and they saw a horrendous car crash. He instructed my mom to take a flashlight to direct traffic while he went to a nearby house to call for rescue. He recalled seeing the vehicle that caused the accident zoom over some train tracks, past them, and through an intersection, t-boning into an elderly couple in a Cadillac. There was a lot of detail in the story, including where in town mom and dad were living at the time, and who owned the house where dad went to make the phone call to emergency services. Continue reading dinnertime storytime